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Thursday, April 14, 2011

Dr. Mercola Recommends EFT

The Ultimate Stress-Buster that I Believe Belongs in Everyone's Self-Help Arsenal. There are many techniques to choose from to help quiet your stress response and regain a healthy balance of brain chemicals. Qigong, meditation, and yoga are three very popular techniques that help many individuals maintain calm. You want to find one that brings about positive emotions and thoughts and creates a sense of inner peace. Keep in mind that what works for your best friend may not be your ideal method. Peace and calm protect precious brain cells from unhealthy stressIn my clinical practice, I have tried a variety of methods, and have been exposed to many more (both traditional and alternative) through my medical background. In my opinion, none have come close to the "Emotional Freedom Technique," or EFT. EFT is a form of psychological acupressure that, while it may appear amazingly simple, can have positive effects in its ability to help reduce negative emotions while instilling positive ones. The theory behind EFT is that lightly tapping with your fingertips along a special sequence of energy points can activate your body's bioenergy within a few short minutes. The combination of positive mental focus on your identified concern and this physical stimulus to your body's biochemistry may help diminish your issue – be it stress, cravings, or emotional baggage– in a fast and expedient manner. Interestingly, these energy points are finally being recognized by mainstream America. According to the principles of EFT, No matter how devoted you are to perfecting your diet, exercise and lifestyle… you cannot expect to achieve optimal brain and total body health if emotional barriers stand in your way.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

EFT for Abundance

It’s time to get what You want with EFT! Overcome Your Blocks to ABUNDANCE with….2 FREE Abundance Calls!!!

It doesn’t matter if you are new to EFT or have been using EFT for years, there is no doubt that the results YOU experience with a highly trained and Certified EFT Professional are profound. You may have always wanted to work with a certified EFT professional but did not feel comfortable to make the investment, so now here is your chance to tap with 2 Certified Expert AAMET Trainer/Practitioner Professionals for FREE!

Tap through some of your BIGGEST Abundance blocks at NO COST to you!!! YOUR TAPPING TEAM LEADERS are Jenn Goddard and Forrest Samnik. Both are highly skilled, talented and experienced EFT and Matrix Re-imprinting practitioners that achieve incredible results for their clients. With Jenn’s background as a NLP Master, hypnotherapist and practitioner of many other transformational modalities, and Forrest’s background as a psychotherapist, hypnotherapist and behavior analyst, together they form a synergistic power of unity for true transformation.


1. April 28th (6:00 - 7:20 p.m. EST)

"Fear of Success" (e.g., “I am afraid to fail, I am afraid to succeed because….)

2. May 5th (6:00 - 7:20 p.m. EST)

"Collapsing Limiting Beliefs around Deserving" – (e.g., “I don’t deserve happiness, abundance, a caring and loving partner, a healthy body, etc.). T

The Details: These calls are very different than anything you may have heard before. With two EFT coaches you will experience 2 practitioners each facilitating their own group tapping sequence regarding the topic of the call. They will also each work with a participant volunteer on the call, relating to the specific topic, that you can tap along with to clear your own blocks to abundance using borrowing benefits.

1. Jenn Goddard leads a group tapping sequence on Abundance

2. Forrest Samnik leads a group tapping sequence on Abundance

3. Jenn & Forrest each work with a volunteer while the group taps along and continues to clear their own blocks to Abundance.

You will also receive a FREE diagram of the tapping points so that you can follow along easily, and information on how to rate your emotions around the subject so you can track your progress. So if you are ready to experience more success, send an email to Jenn at Enter the secret pass code of “MORE ABUNDANCE PLEASE” in the subject line and she will email you the teleclass number and the pass code along with all of the details.

Also!!!! If you have taken the EFT level 1-2 workshop and you are looking for a mentoring program, or need support on your journey to becoming a highly trained and certified practitioner, Jenn and Forrest are also offering 2 FREE mentoring calls for developing practitioners. Ask for the details on Mentoring and Jenn will get that information out to you as well, right away!!!

Note: Sign up soon as space is limited to 25 participants.

Friday, January 21, 2011

3 EFT Trainings!

The Florida EFT Association (FEFTA) Presents…
3 Back-to-Back EFT Trainings
Chose 1, 2 or all 3
Up to 45 CEs available

EFT Level 1 and 2 - Orlando, FL
February 23 – 25
This workshop is approved for 21 CEs in FL.

Trainers: Forrest Samnik, LCSW, EFTCert-I, and Jenn Goddard, EFTCert-II.

This training meets the educational requirements to become an AAMET approved EFT practitioner.


Matrix Reimprinting Practitioners' Course - Orlando, FL
February 26 & 27
This workshop is approved for 12 CEs in FL.

Trainer: Karin Davidson, Founder of AAMET America, Certified Trainer of Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner Course

Matrix Reimprinting is a collection of new cutting-edge techniques created by EFT Master Karl Dawson. It combines EFT with understandings from epigenetic and quantum science, to create RAPID personal change. It is noted for its ability to quickly transform our relationship to our past, creating shifts in our emotional and physical well-being in the present.
The Matrix Reimprinting Technique is:
• Very easy to use and gentle on clients
• Quickly finds core issues, related trauma and beliefs
• Locates pre-conscious trauma (pre 6 years) often beyond clients awareness and conscious memory
• Allows client driven reframes and cognitive shifts thus preventing therapist projection
• Locates Psychological reversal , secondary gains etc
• Fills the EFT void, creates positive beliefs
• Works on dissociated clients with no SUDS levels
• Successful with non visual clients or who have difficulty with imagination
• Allows forgiveness and wisdom to be gained from past events
• Sends a message to the body/cells/DNA the trauma is over
• Resources the client and rewrites the past
• Naturally utilizes the law of attraction in a very powerful way


Matrix Life Purpose Reimprinting - Orlando, FL
February 28 – March 1

This workshop is approved for 12 CEs in FL.

Matrix Life Purpose Reimprinting (including Matrix Birth Reimprinting)

Trainer: Sharon King, creator of the Matrix Birth Reimprinting and Matrix Life Purpose protocols

Do you feel disconnected, low, depressed, separate or detached at times despite lots of tapping? Or perhaps you have clients where you have worked with their conscious memories, but they still don't seem to make lots of progress. Are you aware that many of these feelings can relate back to preconception, conception, time in the womb and/or a difficult birth experience?
With Matrix Birth Reimprinting you can go back to the womb and reimprint your birth experience, which will change your energy levels, mood, and wellbeing in the present.


• Crowne Plaza Hotel near the Orlando airport
• Room Cost $89 (plus tax) - Discounted from $169 - USE DISCOUNT CODE "FMW"
• Free Airport Shuttle 24hours a day
• Free Parking
• Meals not included - hotel or local eateries within walking distance

• 2 trainings $720 = $70 savings
• 3 trainings $1080 = $105 savings

Information and Registration:

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

EFT Instruction

Dr. Mercola's website provides fairly indepth EFT instruction. Check it out

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Who Owns and Runs EFT?

EFT Founder Gary Craig has given EFT to everyone. So EFT is YOURS! To insure that the gift of EFT continues to grow and evolve, a new era has begun for the EFT World.

Out of passion and love for the healing power of EFT, a group of EFT experts, Masters and highly qualified trainers, have created an alliance as the EFT Advisory Council. (see the impressive list of members below)

We’ve heard you and know what you want:

•Affordable ways to learn about EFT
•A clear path to EFT Training and Certification
•A new Masters Program!!
•Support as a practitioner or EFT Trainer
•Support for your workshops and ways to promote and publicize them
•The ability to give input and shape the future of EFT

The EFT Advisory Council is a volunteer, democratic body, developed to support you and the EFT community worldwide. Our goal is to insure high-quality, affordable, standardized, EFT trainings and to help develop a new Masters program! Yay! Together, we represent YOU; newbies to EFT, as well as the up-and-coming practitioners and trainers. Because EFT belongs to YOU.

But rather than reinventing the wheel, we have aligned with an already well-established, global, EFT organization: AAMET (Association for the Advancement of Meridian Energy Techniques.) All of the members of the Advisory Council have joined and have been graciously grand-fathered into AAMET as practitioners or trainers. And you can be too! (Visit our site to find out how.)

To help pave the path to AAMET, we’ve developed a portal website, Our site and AAMET will help guide people along their experiential path through EFT.

Note: EFT United, the EFT Advisory Council, and AAMET are not associated with EFT Universe or Dawson Church.

On The EFT United site you can find:

•Answers to FAQs
•Links to AMMET for certification and more
•Workshop and Training listings for the US and Canada (wooo hooo!)
•Our story (for fascinating details on how and why EFT United was developed, please read a very important, new proclamation from Gary Craig at•A way for you to sign up for important EFT announcements or developments (not another newsletter) and to give input about what you want!

Together, you and we exemplify the:
•EFT Community
•EFT Knowledge and Experience
•EFT Standardized Quality Training and Support
•EFT Heart
•EFT Unity
•EFT Future

Visit our developing website at and find out how you can participate. We are hoping for your input and what you want. And we will need YOU to replace US as council members! (and soon, because we’re already exhausted! :-)

Founding EFT United Advisory Council members:
Ann Adams, LCSW EFT Cert-Honors, DCEP, ACEP Consultant, AAMET Trainer of Trainers, Director of the Former EFT Master Program
Jaqui Crooks, EFT Master, AAMET Trainer of Trainers, TAT Trainer
Dr. Patricia Carrington, EFT Master, EFT Cert Honors
Karin Davidson, CHT AAMET EFT Trainer, Co-Founder Meridian Tapping Techniques Association, Matrix Reimprinting Trainer
Helena Fone, AAMET Chairperson, AAMET EFT Trainer, Psychotherapist
John Freedom, CEHP, EFT Trainer, Chair ACEP Research Committee
Nancy Gnecco, MEd, LPC, EFT Master, TAT Trainer, ACEP Diplomat, AAMET Trainer of Trainers
Lindsay Kenny, EFT Master, Founder of Pro EFT and National Alliance for Emotional Health, AAMET Trainer of Trainers
Jan Luther, The Ego Tamer, EFT Master and Founder of the EFT Academy, AAMET Trainer of Trainers
David MacKay, AAMET EFT Trainer, Editor of EFT Insights Newsletter in English and Spanish
Betty Moore-Hafter, MA, Advanced EFT Practitioner, AAMET Rep for New England, Certified Hypnotherapist, Co-Founder of
Gwyneth Moss, MBA, EFT Master, AAMET Trainer of Trainers
Dr. Eric Robins, MD, Former Board of Advisors for EFT, Co-author of “Your Hands Can Heal You”
Ruth Stern, MA, AAMET EFT Trainer, President-Elect of Florida EFT Association, AAMET Trainer
Till Schilling, PhD, EFT Trainer, Founder,
Beth Sorger, LCSW, Advanced EFT Practitioner, AAMET EFT Trainer, Psychotherapist
Loretta Sparks, LMFT, EFT Master, EFT Cert-Honors, Diplomate of Comprehensive Psychology, Past President of American Academy of Psychotherapists
Zoe Walton, L.Ac, AAMET EFT Trainer, Advanced EFT Practitioner, Founder of ProEFT, Licensed Acupuncturist

Friday, September 10, 2010

Want the Law of Attraction to Work FOR You?

1) Focus on what you want, not what you don't want.

2) Imagine yourself already having it...really feel the feelings as if it has already manifested.

3) Listen to the little voice inside your head that's telling you all the reasons you can't have it.

4) Use EFT with Matrix Reimprinting to clear the limiting beliefs and fears about having what you want.

For information about EFT with Matrix Reimprinting, click here:

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

MD writes article on Emotions, Energy & Healing

By Eric B. Robins, MD

Michelle, a bright, perky, 21-year-old woman, arrived in my office complaining of severe bladder pain. She had to urinate frequently and urgently. I did a complete medical workup but could find nothing out of the ordinary—by the standards of my profession there was nothing wrong with Michelle. Yet it was clear to me that Michelle’s pain was real, and her physical symptoms were real. After I had finished looking in her bladder with a cystoscope and found everything to be normal, I ventured, “Sometimes women with your symptoms have a history of sexual abuse or molestation. Is this possible with you?” In the corner of her eye, the slightest of tears welled up. It turned out that Michelle had been sexually penetrated by an uncle almost daily from the age of three, till she was ten years old.

I asked Michelle to think back upon these memories and find a part of her body where they were strongest. She said she could feel them acutely in her lower abdomen and pelvis. I asked her to rate them on a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being the mildest and 10 being the most intense. Michelle rated her feelings at 10 out of a possible 10.

I then spent 45 minutes working with Michelle, using some of the simple yet powerful techniques I describe below. I then asked her to rate her level of discomfort. It was a 1—complete peace. I urged her to cast around in her body for the remnants of any of the disturbed feelings she had previously felt. She could not find them, no matter how hard she tried. The emotionally charged memories had been so thoroughly released that a physical shift had occurred in her body. Her bladder condition disappeared. In the three years since that office visit, it has never once returned.

To read the full article, click here: